Monday, April 26, 2021

NYC, First Time in a Year.

4-26-21 SHORT HILLS: Today was cool, blustery but shiny. I decided to do some transplanting and planting chores that have been on my mental to do list. Two Japanese maple volunteers are growing in places where they have no long-term future. It’s always hard to pull something out of a busy bed without doing damage to its neighbors. It requires careful digging and careful stepping.   

The one that I moved today was in the living room window bed, very close to the house. I dug it out, hopefully not disturbing the St. John’s Wort growing next to it. I moved it to a spot in the southeast corner of the property, using a lot of potting soil to backfill around the tree in its new home. It will need a lot of watering to settle in. 

I filled the hole that it came out of with a rose, Pink Double Knock Out, from the Farm, moving the hole away from the house a bit. That was a day’s work. I also bought a spirea for the spirea bed. I will do that tomorrow, as well as move the other Japanese maple, which is in the viburnum/rose-of-Sharon bed.

While taking a break this afternoon, I saw what I thought was an orange and black bird land high in an ash. I took a pic with the iPhone, but it was worthless for ID, but, sort of, confirmed the color. I’m guessing Baltimore oriole, but will have to wait and see if it hangs around the feeders.  

Saturday we spent the afternoon in Brooklyn with Val and Steve at the big, waterfront park. The park was busy, busy, busy. Most people were wearing masks, we ate at an outdoor place. Sunday afternoon we walked with Bebe and Ronnie and the dog pack. There was heavy rain Saturday night and into Sunday AM.

New blooms: red bud, ajuga, blueberry, Virginia blue bell, new quince.

This schooner is destined to become, wait for it, a restaurant. That's the Hudson R. and the east side of lower Manhattan behind the ship. Jersey City, NJ is on the horizon on the far left.
Judy and I in the breeze.
Virginia blue bells, another spring ephemeral.
The new quince has quite a dramatic flower and will put on a show if it gets bigger.
Blueberry flower is another inverted, white bell.

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