Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Summer Begins...

6-19-21 VERMONT: It’s too dry again. We’ve had short showers today, but maybe a half hour of rain all together with no real accumulation. 

We came up Wednesday. Lucy and Cory were here already, and Val Steve came up Thursday and Maggie arrived Friday. Today we had a visit from Anna, Gardner and Gardner Sr. Judy has been wining and dining the crowd. We did all go to Cloudland Farm Friday. 

Val and Steve brought up a spruce tree from Brooklyn that had been growing on their deck in a pot for several years and released it to grow wild in the pasture. Hopefully, it will survive and thrive. 

I have started working on a backlog of pruning, staking, weeding and watering. There is much more to do. The roses on the fence are magnificent and the peonies spectacular. 

In bloom: Solomons seal, valerian, anemone, columbine, lamium, buttercup, daisy, yarrow, weigela, Wentworth viburnum, geranium, diablo, knapweed, meadow rue, bleeding heart, peony, baptisia, chives, Siberian iris, flag iris, cranes bill, lupin, bishops weed, vetch, sweet william, centaurea, master wort, primrose, hybrid daylily, johnny-jump-up, dianthus, thyme, Asian lilac, goats beard, lady’s mantle, bridal wreath spirea, red spirea, roses, spider wort, bedstraw, forget-me-not, Rogersia, false indigo, celandine. 

Val, Lucy and Cory at the pond.
A few of the peonies.
The 'fence' roses showing a lot of red.
The pasture grass is high and growing since there's no horse to eat it down. Brady, our summer guest for twenty years, died over the winter.
The terrace with thyme and dianthus in bloom.
The barns through the trees.

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