Monday, July 05, 2021

July 3,4,5,6

7-5-21 VERMONT: We have celebrated our independence once again with a big crowd of grands and friends here. There was rain over the weekend, everyday a bit more, for a total of 2.55 inches—all much welcome. Judy did a big dinner Saturday night, and Gardner and Anna did dinner on Sunday. Among the attendees on one night and/or the other—Anna, Gardner, Erica, Lucy, Cory, Jenna, Ben, John, Rob, Holly, Maizie, Kaley, Balfour and me. It was cold all weekend, the heat was on and there were fires every night.

Judy and I and Lucy and Cory went to Candela in Hanover Friday for our first post-Covid visit, and we’re pleased to report that Candela has survived and is well. 

Everything in the yard enjoyed the rain except a few plants that got knocked down. The upper pond picked up a few inches, but there was apparently no runoff to put more water in the pond. I guess the trees soaked up all the rain. 

New blooms: evening primrose, hyssop, hollyhock, hydrangea, oxeye, sweet birch.

Milkweed in bloom has attracted all the butterflies.
Judy and I visited Bradford on Saturday for the 'strawberry festival', a bit over-hyped as we were the only ones there for a while, but the short-cake was good. The waterfall was in good form too.
The flag hung from two bucket trucks in Bradford.
Evening Primrose looks nothing like other primroses.
Rosebay Rhododendron flowering by the pine tree removal.\
Waterfall in action...

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