Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Blanca Joins the Pack.

7-20-21 VERMONT: We love the dog, now named Blanca. Pix are on FB and Twitter. Integrating her into the pack is tricky, but is going well for the second day. She has been a kennel dog with no obedience training, no leash training, little car experience, but now walks pretty well on leash and was fine in the car. 

Tonight we’re getting a severe T-storm with loss of power, heavy rain and lots of crashing and banging.  Kaley is very upset and Blanca is following her lead, Maizie is sleeping, and Bally looks like he’s concerned that he’s not as upset as Kaley.  

The drive back from Bangor was routine, marred only by a few brief, mild showers and moderate traffic at worst. I spent the day, after going shopping with Judy and Blanca, doing some pruning, weeding and later I found a new spring oozing above the new pond. I dug it out and dug a trench to the pond, and lined it with rocks. I dug it out up hill to find the source, but stopped after about twenty feet, when I got to a big boulder. It has a steady, moderate flow, but will probably dry up if it we go back to the drought conditions of last summer. The pond has filled more than half way up from all the rain before tonight, and this rain, and the spring should have it full soon. We have had 2 inches of rain this week.

The hybrid daylilies are spectacular. They vary from the native kind by size and shape of the petals, color, of course, bloom time, flower size. There are hundreds now—I will show a few.

New blooms: pickerel weed, more hosta, rocket ligularia, phlox, Indian pipe.  

Hybrid daylily--purple with white edging and a yellow heart.
Hybrid daylily in peach.
Hybrid daylily tomato red.
Hybrid daylily in spidery format.
Hybrid daylily, an older bi-color hybrid.
Hybrid daylily--yellow and spidery.
Blanca. First meeting.
Blanca, Settling in, this will take a little time for everybody to learn their status in the pack.

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