Monday, November 15, 2021

First Snow.

11-15-21 VERMONT: First snow of the year yesterday, up to a half inch in the deepest spots, all gone by afternoon. We have been here for a few days after an easy trip up. The lowest temps have only been as low as the upper 20’s and some perennials are still green near the house. 

The ponds are full and draining, the waterfall is splashing, all due to an rain storm on our first night here. 

The chickadees and nuthatches have been busy at the feeder, with a occasional bluejay. There were several thrushes of some kind in the apple trees a few mornings ago.

I started the garden clean up, but now I have a new assistant, Addie, who I hope will become the garden manager. 

We had dinner at Dave and Shari’s Saturday night.

New blooms: witch hazel.  

Sunrise after over-night dusting of snow, but no ice, yet.
The morning sun reaches the back of the pasture before the house and yard.
Deer eating the apples a few weeks ago before all the leaves came down.
The bed below the deck full of the fall tangle.
The same bed after clearing the debris, two tarp loads hauled away.
Judy and friends in the pasture.
Burning bush color, not as vivid as in NJ.
Witch hazel flowers still in bloom.

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