Thursday, May 12, 2022

Middle of May.

5-12-22 SHORT HILLS: The weather has been gorgeous, warm afternoons and cool nights. We’ve dried out from the heavy rain. I have done more pruning, trimming and weeding, and there’s plenty more to do.

The house plants have moved outside for their summer vaca. The azaleas are at peak, their vivid colors contrasting with the whites of the viburnums. 

The feeders birds have been draining the feeders almost daily. I’ve seen starling, house sparrow, hairy woodpecker and red-wing blackbird lately and for the first time this spring.

We are having dinner with Lynn and Bill tonight.

New blooms: hawthorn, leucothoe, chestnut, bridal wreath spirea, tea viburnum, wood hyacinth.

All the house plants that moved out of the house for the summer have gathered together on the patio, leaving no room for the humans.
The entrance to the path through the woods with a double-file viburnum on the left, a Siebold viburnum on the right, a dogwood in the upper center and an red azalea next to the path.
A purple azalea by the house.
A crimson azalea.
A pink azalea. We also have white azaleas and coral azaleas.
Chestnut flower cluster with a pollinator. There are many buds yet to open, they will keep the flower going for a while.
Hairy woodpecker looks almost identical to the downy woodpecker except that she is twice as big and has a much more formidable beak. There are also some slightly different tail markings.
European Starling stopped for a snack on his way to his summer digs.

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