Sunday, July 17, 2022


7-17-22 VERMONT: It has stayed dry, and I’ve been watering every day. The forecast is for lots of rain next week when we’re traveling to Québec with grandson Joe, who arrives tomorrow for a short visit.

We filled out the forms for ArrivCanada for us today, they want to know and see proof of vaccination. 

Addie has been weeding the flower beds, mostly pulling out ferns. Now, I like ferns, but in the beds, they are very aggressive, crowding out everything else. Pulling them out has left holes in the beds that I, with help from Addie, have been filling. 

In the shade bed by the lower steps, we put two hellebore, H. X hybridus “Flower Girl’ and ‘Rio Carnival’, and two goat’s beard, Aruncus diocus. Four anemones went into the rock garden, A. Tomentosa ‘Robustissima’. Another turtlehead went in that bed, Chelone obliqua. Two epimedium went into the dryer vent bed by the viburnum, E. Rosea and E. Rubra. Two perennial foxglove went onto the pond bank, Digitalis ambigua, not a fern replacement site.

I have done a lot of tree pruning the last few days and Judy had helped pushing the cart load of cutting to the dump site.

New blooms: summer azalea, pickerel weed, pink filipendula, potentilla, phlox, campanula.

Delphinium make a colorful statement, especially at six feet tall.
Summer azalea, peach is a nice color for mid-summer.
The first of many phlox.
Ecinacea seem happy on the pond bank.

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