Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Fair Season.

8-2-22 VERMONT: Still dry, it seems that the rain either goes north of us or south of us. We need a major storm to catch up. The blue berries are starting, I picked a small container. The Sun Gold tomatoes are coming in and giving us a small stream of fruit every day. Addie was here yesterday and cut down more of the golden rod. I like golden rod, but it’s just too aggressive to be in the garden. 

She also cleared part of the upper terrace bed. I bought at Brown’s one weigela, Weigela x ‘Velda’, one glossy abelia, A. Mosanensis, one butterfly bush, Buddleia x ‘Miss Molly’, and one milkweed, Asclepias tuberosa, that Addie planted there. The butterfly bush is rated as Zone 5 [-20°F], and probably not hardy enough for us and will need winter mulching. This is almost the end of planting season because after now, the plants won’t have enough time to settle in before winter. I hope I can get a couple more milkweeds in the next day of so.

Saturday we went to the North Haverhill Fair with Dave and Shari. We saw the midway, the rides, the games, the food and watched a horse pull and chatted with horse pull set, mostly Judy chatted. We watched some young oxen teams, driven by teen teamsters. And, of course, we ate fair-food. The main reason I go is the, once or twice a year, blooming onion, Italian sausage with peppers and onions, and funnel cake. Judy shared, but wanted pulled pork instead of sausage. We had a very light dinner and antacids.

Almost forgot, the septic system alarm went off the day after the previous post. It turned out that the alarm sensor in the pumping tank dropped too low and was easily fixed. The tank was closed once again, and the sod replaced once again. The sod probably thinks that it is going to be pulled up every week from now on.

New blooms: goose-neck loosestrife, helenium, monkshood. 

Black swallowtail. This is an iPhone pic, not bad.
Hummingbird moth, another iPhone shot, not as good.
Lots of color, no players.
Food, clothes, games.
A team easily pulling a small load, very pretty tack.
The big load is not so easy.
Young oxen, young driver pulling a log.

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