Sunday, August 28, 2022

Last Minute Planting.

8-28-22 VERMONT: We leave in a few days for NJ and are busy closing up, packing, making lists. The split-rail fence was repaired with many new rails and a few posts and the gate posts opposite the barn. The canine fence now seems fully functional after the fourth house call and replacement of a section under a stone wall. I  cut down some burdock and thistle in the pasture. It crops up every year, and as it’s only a few, it’s easily controlled. 

I did some last minute planting. I moved five blue lobelia from near the brook and in the lowest terrace bed that were all close to the lawn and might have gotten mowed. I put them on the pond bank where the goldenrod had ruled. I dug out the goldenrod roots and plants and chucked it into the weedy parts of the pasture. After one day they seem happy. That was yesterday. 

Today Gardeners Supply called about the milkweed that I had been looking for there a few weeks ago. I bought three, got a free fourth, nice looking Asclepias tuberosa ‘Hello Yellow’ and planted them next to the lobelia and lambs ears on the pond bank. Another load of goldenrod was dug up. I added one Asclepias incarnata that had been growing in the old steps that I had potted and watered for a few weeks, and one oxeye clump that was growing at the base of the wall in the bed below the deck. I think it didn’t get enough sun there, and had been infested by orange bugs. I had cut all the buggy parts off, and it was regrowing.

The hollyhock seeds are germinating! We have a dozen and a half as of this morning. A lot of the seeds came from Shari and Dave, at whose house we had dinner last night—Texas ribs!

We had 0.75 inches of rain—hopefully, a sign of a wet fall. 

New blooms: more phlox.

An afternoon shot of our horse guests by the game cam.
After the big rainstorm, the first rainbow of the summer.
Two turtles huddled together, perhaps threatened by that frog.
While the other two turtles were confronting the frog, this turtle was soaking up the sun.
Will there be a ménage-à-trois in the future?

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