Thursday, September 15, 2022

More Rain, At Last.

9-15-22 SHORT HILLS: One week until the autumnal equinox and the slow slide into darkness. It still feels like summer here, I’m still wearing shorts and tees. All our doctor visits are getting checked off, but we both have more to go. 

Outside we’ve had more rain, and I shut the sprinklers down during the rainy spell, but now they’re back on. A lot of the drought damaged shrubs have some new growth, so I’m going to wait until spring to see which of them are alive. I can always cut them down, but I’d rather give them every chance to rebound.

The indoor plants that are outside have largely bounced back from the damage sustained in the drought. I think they will get a few more weeks before their vacation ends.

We have dinner with Bebe and Ronnie tomorrow and a memorial service for old friend Bobbie on Sunday.

New blooms: crape myrtle, white snake root.

Crape myrtle is blooming at the top of the tree.
White Snake Root is either a wildflower or a weed. It's a nice fall surprise when most everything has long since finished.

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