Monday, November 14, 2022

Vermont in November.

11/14/22 VERMONT: We came north on Friday, racing ahead of TS Nicole, who arrived in VT a few hours after we did. She brought lots of rain and warm air, almost in the seventies, for a day or so before it dropped into the forties and on down to the twenties today. Now it’s partly sunny with a north wind and a few snowflakes in the air—very seasonal. 

We are lending the house to cousin John’s family for T-day, so Judy is madly cleaning, I’ll help if I can.  I have been busy. I emptied and re-baited all the mouse traps, put up the dryer vent cover on the deck, changed and/or cleaned the furnace filters and dehumidifier filters, and did other things that I forgot. 

The ponds that were very low are now partly full. There is no ice. Addie has almost finished the garden clean up.  

I filled one bird feeder, and we are getting chickadees and nuthatches. I still bring it in at night, assuming that the bears are still active.

It's hunting season here, but there's very little activity on our road, many properties are now posted. When we were first here, in the nineties, November weekends sounded like a war zone with shots being fired all around us, and strange cars parked on the road.   

Several plants are still putting out flowers here in mid-November so I took pix.  

Rose mallow.
Witch hazel, can you see the tiny, yellow flowers?
Witch hazel, here's a better look.

1 comment:

  1. Donna Nelson10:37 AM

    Hard to remember those days now…
    Donna Nelson.
