Thursday, December 29, 2022

Québec Avec Snow.

12-29-22 QUÉBEC CITY, QUÉBEC: We drove north today in clear weather and light traffic after dropping the dogs off at the kennel. We made good time and arrived in mid-afternoon, checked in to the Frontenac, bundled up and started walking around. 

There was a lot of snow here and the sidewalks are slushy and the gutters have puddles. The city is still beautiful and bustling with people all here for the Holidays. First we had a late lunch, and the we went through a Christmas market where I bought a scarf, there was music, food, beverages and lots of stuff. We looked in at a church from the 1600’s, checked out the nearby streets, looked at the St. Lawrence, which has a lot of floating ice covering 80% of the surface, but still floating downstream. 

We went back to the hotel to nap and warm up before dinner at Le Continental at 8:30. They do a lot of flambé at table side. Great dinner.

The party on Xmas was excellent, Judy outdid herself, as we all have come to expect. I had to put out an emergency call for red wine, and the neighbors rallied to the cause. A last minute invite went out to Ben  and Jenna, who came and enjoyed.  

Big, icy river.
The park across from the Frontenac.
Rue St. Louis.
Big wreath.
Xmas market.
Lobby of the Frontenac.

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