Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Time Travel.

12-13-22 SHORT HILLS: We had a dusting of snow a couple of days ago. It fell overnight and was gone by noon—my kind of snow storm. Other than that we have had more rain. 

Yesterday we took the tall case clock to Anna and Gardner’s to set it up at their apartment. It was our house warming present to them. We bought the clock in early September. It needed big repairs to the face, which the dealer, Bob Larson of The Hour Gallery in Highbridge, NJ, arranged. The face was sent to California to be re-painted and made it back to NJ last week. We picked it up and managed to get the case and all the parts into the Subaru on Friday and left it all there over the weekend.

Fortunately Gardner was home when we arrived because we needed the muscle to get the case and weights upstairs. The case needed shimming to get it level. It is so tall that I needed a ladder to get it going. The clock went in, then we wound the cords and hung the weights, and attached the pendulum. It worked, but was off center and needed the escapement tweaked. Gardner put the bonnet on. It all took about two hours, including a call to Bob Larson. 

The traffic was awful both in and out with delays, construction and collisions. Vermont tomorrow.

Snow storm.
Obstructed view of the clock.
Unobstructed view of the clock.
Here's the face before make-over.
And after.

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