Monday, May 15, 2023


5-15-23 SHORT HILLS: We’ve had some days in the eighties—feels like summer. I have continued to do pruning and trimming, there’s lots more to do. I laid the flagstones that the tree crew had taken up, afraid that they would have damaged them with their heavy machines. Those three feet by two feet slabs of slate are heavy. 

I saw a Rose-breasted grosbeak at the feeder yesterday. We see them a lot in VT, but never before in NJ. The House wren is here and is singing a lot and has moved into the nest house.

Bill and Lynn were here Friday for dinner and to meet Blue. Blue seems to be fitting in with the pack very well. 

Thursday we go to Boston for Maggie’s graduation from BU with an MSW. The same day Lily graduates from NYU law school, and the same day as Lucy graduates from NYU with a Masters in French. 

Judy was at Newark BI today for her first dog therapy visit there since the start of Covid—many hugs and kisses. 

New blooms: hawthorn, deutzia, chokecherry.

Rose-breasted grosbeak. See one once and you never forget it.
The wren house between lilacs behind it and bridal wreath spirea in front. There are Rose-of-Sharon in there also, to bloom in August.
The house wren perched nearby watching the house.
House wren again.
Deutzia is very happy in the shade.

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