Saturday, July 08, 2023

New Fish.

7-8-23 VERMONT: It continues to be a wet summer. We got another 0.85 inches since the last post. Last year we had nothing in June and July. 

Watching the pond, I have not seen any of the fish this year. We are not cold enough or big enough for trout, but have had shiners, bait fish, for many years. We started with a dozen and had hundreds after a while. I decided to replenish, but it was hard to find any for sale. Apparently shiners are the preferred bait fish for ice fishing, and everyone in the business has them in the winter, until about April. Judy found a store in the Northeast Kingdom that still had them. ‘Lead and Tackle’ in Lyndonville, VT is about 50 miles north of us, not too far from Canada, they also sell bullets and hunting rifles, hence the name. It was a nice drive, and we came home with about 50 fish, a couple went into the upper pond and the rest in the big pond. We’ll see how it works out.  

Nice folks run this place.

Hilliary and Matt, the garden assistants, were here Wednesday. We transplanted a bunch of Siberian iris that were under hemlocks to the pond bank near the lambs ears. Originally they were not under hemlocks. 

New blooms: astilbe, bee balm, filipendula, early meadow rue, coreopsis, hydrangea. 

The young lawyers studying for the Bar Exam.
The Ancient Mariner is back on the water while Bally watches.
Another water creature. Stonefly Naiad and a second on the left, plus tadpole, all intermediate stages of development.
Delphinium, the first ones are blue and the next batch are purple.
The first Hosta to bloom, we have many others yet to bloom.
Game Cam pix of doe and fawn opn the move.

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