Tuesday, August 22, 2023


 8-22-23 DARTMOUTH-HITCHCOCK MEDICAL CENTER: I had the procedure Monday morning. The rest of the day was post- op until the   nerve blocks wore off Monday night and the pain kicked in. Dilaudid and Tylenol helped, and at this point there is very little pain. PT had me up in the bed sitting for a while in the afternoon. July visited twice, once with Maizie.

In the afternoon I had a temp of 100°, which set off blood cultures, urine culture, chest X-ray to hunt for a possible infectious culprit. Four hours later the temp was 98°. So we’ll see. I’m using the breathing gadget all the time.

Here's what I look at all day. Nice drawing of the procedure with plates on both sides of the tibia and lots of screws

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Hope for easier days ahead.
