9-14-23 SHORT HILLS: We’re into a routine here, which looks like it will go on for another 4-5-6 weeks depending on what Dr. Schob allows me to do. It’s three weeks since the surgery, the incisions are healed, a lot of the swelling has gone down, the knee is beginning to look like a knee again. But, I’m not allowed to put weight on the leg so I’m using the walker or the wheelchair. Standing or walking on the leg could distort the reconstruction so no weight bearing allowed until the bones are healed and knit together again.
I’m taking vitamin D and calcium supplements to aid the healing. Perhaps they do help. I’m on Eliquis to prevent blood clots in the legs. I do a ton of leg lifts every day, both legs, to maintain and build muscle for that day when I can resume walking. My best guess as to earliest possible date—Oct. 16.
Glad to hear the progress keep up the good work ! Beautiful sunset picture.Not much of a change here since you and Judy left rain as usual