12-17-23 VERMONT: We came up yesterday in the morning. It was an easy trip. There was no snow until Norwich, and then only remnants of plow piles. Here there was shallow snow cover in places, but tonight it’s raining hard, and all the snow will soon be gone. The ponds are mostly frozen over, inlet spots are not yet frozen.
The dogs have been roaming all over the place. The horses are in the pasture. Today we got a medium sized tree and set it up—Judy did almost all the work and decorated it. She also brought a load of wood into the house. I have been going upstairs the last two nights and sleeping in my bed after four months.
Anna, Gardner and Emmett visited us in Short Hills the beginning of the week. He is approaching his two month birthday.
We took pix of each other by the tree with the dogs. Judy deleted all hers, but some of mine were OK.
Blogger with pooches.
Welcome back to VT ! The picture in front of the tree looks great