Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Chilly Vermont.

3-19-24 VERMONT: We came up on Saturday. It was a fairly pleasant day, but has gotten progressively colder since. Today there was a snow flurry early, and now we have sun and 30° temps and wind. The snow is largely gone, what remains are the piles under the eaves and the plowed and shoveled piles. The ponds are still frozen, but the upper pond had melted around the edges as of yesterday, but is re-frozen today. Snowdrops are in bloom in several spots, daffodil shoots and day lilies are up about an inch. Spring is arriving, but very slowly.

Same Sun of VT is here today installing the solar panels on the roof of the old house. The panels were delivered yesterday, 23, 2 X 4 foot panels, which will cover that roof except for the spot where the bathroom vent exits the roof. 

We also have to have more work done on the furnaces—an ongoing project. 

Diana and Steve are coming for dinner tonight, and we have dinners out scheduled with John and with Shari and Dave. All before we go back to NJ this weekend. 

I rescued one of the game cams from the pasture where it had been since last summer. It was busy taking pics of deer, turkeys, foxes, horses, a couple neighborhood dogs since last August but no bears, moose or wildcats.

New blooms: snowdrops, maple trees. 

It's sugar season, and Steve has buckets on all the maples.
Turkeys in February out for a snowy walk.
Foxy friend on a hazy day.
A big patch of snow drops. The yellow stalks have just melted out from the snow.
Blanca was in the pond for a short swim. Both the air and water temps are in the thirties. This little pond always melts out early.
Judy walking the dogs.
Solar panels getting an install.

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