Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Peony Parade.

5-22-24 SHORT HILLS: It finally stopped raining, and it’s hot, maybe ninety today. No rain predicted until Thursday, when we might be going to VT.

Saturday we were in the city to see Emmett, and his parents were there also. He is getting bigger and does better tricks now. Sunday we were back in NYC to have brunch with Sara and Jon at Bar Boulud.

It happened this morning, the peonies opened up, both kinds of them—tree peonies [8] and herbaceous peonies [2]. Now that’s what a flower is supposed to look like.   

New blooms: tree peony, herbaceous peony, linden tree.

Herbaceous peony. You may be more used to the double flower, I've always prefered this single format.
Tree peony. Similar but different.
Eight tree peonies, with more buds to open.
Linden tree above and juniper below. The juniper has lots of blue berries if anyone is making gin. The linden is covered with amall flowers, and has perfumed the top of the driveway.

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