Friday, July 12, 2024

Beryl Causes Havoc.

7-12-24 VERMONT: Hurricane Beryl is now history, but the damage she left in VT—flooding, outages, wind damage, road and bridge damage—will take a long time to repair. It all happened on the one year anniversary of similar flooding. Here we had almost nothing, 0.80 inches of rain, no wind damage, no road damage. We were south of the storm track. 

We have had some very hot days, in the nineties, but the heat pumps have kept us cool. Since the storm passed the weather has been fine, even the bugs are less annoying. 

I did some more pruning yesterday, and still have lots more to do.

I saw three painted turtles in the lower pond, and I have not seen the snapper for a few weeks. I set the game cam to take pix of the owl house, and it took almost sixty pix over a couple days, but no sign of anyone using the house. 

We are almost half-way through the summer and flowers are all ahead of schedule.

New blooms: summer azalea, echinacea, evening primrose, rocket ligularia, astilbe, pickerel weed, more hostas. 

The delphinium, first the blue and then the purple, bloomed recently, but the storm broke several stalks so I cut them off and brought them inside. Judy put them in a vase.
The delphiniums turned the water purple.
Pickerel weed is an aquatic plant that makes a small tuft of purple flowers.
Great spangled fritillaries on milkweed.
Our tenants, nesting under the eaves of the old mudroom. Yesterday I opened the door and they all flew away. I'm sure the parents are still feeding them somewhjeres in the yard.
Hybrid daylily.
Filipendula, there's one in the first picture also.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Love the pictures and all the updates and info
