Tuesday, August 06, 2024

August Begins.

8-6-24 VERMONT: Dan and Alison left yesterday. They were great guests because Judy and I were both sick, again, with a gastroenteritis. We were in bed or sleeping on the sofas while the guests helped take care of us—shades of the future. Now we are recovered, but still a bit tired. 

Valerie and Steve are due to arrive tomorrow. Hopefully we will remain well. 

In the gardens things have pretty much taken care of themselves, but that only works for a short while. There has been rain everyday, sometimes a brief shower and other times hard rain for most of the day. We have had 1.3 inches in the past week. 

We have had Blue Heron and Kingfisher visits this week, and the owl has been back at the upper pond for crayfish, but the game cam pix weren’t good.

New blooms: black-eyed susan, goldenrod, sedum.

From the bed below the deck, upper right yellow flowers of cup plant, in the center orange oxeye, magenta bee balm, purple meadow rue.
Game Cam caught this fox.
Another Game Cam image of wild life.

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