Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Adventures of Val and Steve.

2-4-24 SHORT HILLS: We were back in NYC to have Sunday brunch with cousins David, Kenny, and Moni at their place on 64th St. We were there for hours talking about past times and current times. Tonight we had dinner with Lynn and Bill here in NJ. Last week we ate at Eataly in the Mall with Bebe and Ronny.

The exciting news is that Val and Steve are in Finland, northern Finland, to see the Northern Lights. They are sleeping in glass igloos and get roused if there is any activity. They have been lucky, with a nice show, and maybe more to follow. I will post their pix that were on Messages.  

Dog Sleds ready for action.
Another mode of transportion.
Here it is: Aurora Borealis in green and red.
And another shot. [all these pix are from Val.]

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