Monday, February 17, 2025

The Storm Is Over.

2-17-25 VERMONT: The storm is over, the sky is blue and the sun is out,  but the wind is blowing and gusting. We never lost power, to our surprise, but it could still happen on this windy day. Officially we got 17 inches of snow. It’s hard to tell, actually, because the early snow is compacted by the later snow, to accurately measure you have to check hourly and wipe the surface clear between measurements. It’s cold today, low twenties and windy. The bottom rail of our three rail fence is covered by the snow.

We are getting shoveled now and will be plowed soon, so the storm will soon be yet another distant memory. NJ tomorrow.

Over except for the shoveling.
Cold bench.
In two months it will all be gone.

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