Sunday, March 23, 2025

Still Cold.

3-23-25 SHORT HILLS: We’re near the end of March and past the Equinox, so it’s definitely spring, but it’s cold outside. I was doing more clean up today, and I had a coat, hat and gloves on. Signs of spring are everywhere. The leaf buds are opening, little leaves are out, early flowers are out, bees are buzzing, the grass is green in places, birds are pairing up, I am sneezing, pussy willow buds are big and fuzzy, flower buds on forsythia and spice bush are big and swollen—we need some warm, but we might get snow tonight. 

We have dinner with Trina and Jeffery tonight, and Ellen and Bruce joined us.

New blooms: vinca minor.   

The first vinca to open.
A bunch of vinca.
I don't think I've shown these before. The tree in the center is a bald cypress, a staple of southern swamps. It is hardy here, and is known for its knees, above ground root growths. The knees get to a couple feet tall over time, and some of them are pointed on top. The function of these root growths is unknown. The knees would grow all around the tree, but the lawn mowers knock them down in the lawn. Some are starting to come up on the other side of the walkway. They're called 'bald' because they're deciduous. I planted the tree in that spot because it was wet all the time,  now much dryer.
The early shoots of an Itoh peony.

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