Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tomatoes Are Dicots.

2-16-12 SHORT HILLS: Except for the last weekend cold spell, the mild winter continues. While there are no new spring bulbs opening, temps here are in the forties every day and in the low thirties at night. We have had a few showers but no significant precip accumulation.

The tomatoes have started. The Sun Gold germinated first, but the others are all showing activity. Tomatoes are dicots, short for dicotyledon, which means they have two seed-leaves. Dicot flower parts, think of petals, have four or five units or multiples of four or five. Most deciduous trees are dicots. Monocots have one seed-leaf and flowers with three parts or multiples of three. Bamboo, grasses and corn are monocots. True leaves appear after the seed-leaves.

Sun Gold cherry tomatoes, eight days old with two seed-leaves each.

Dogwood, four sepals = ?

Phlox, five petals = ?

Lily, double threes = ?
This is not a hard test.

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