Friday, June 08, 2012

Soggy Vermont.

6-8-12 VERMONT: We arrived yesterday midst intense, tropical showers. There’s been a lot of rain—3.25 inches worth in the last nine days. The area above the pond has standing water and isn’t mowable.

The pond is about the same, moderately murky, but no floating algae clumps. I saw two turtles yesterday, as well as frogs, fish and crawfish.

It's definitely cool at night, we had a fire last evening. Other than pull a few weeds yesterday, all I did was repair the canine invisible fence. We had dinner in town with Chris and Bob.

New blooms: weigela, Wentworth viburnum, Asian lilac, white spirea, roses, Solomons seal, meadow rue, thyme.
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail feeding on lilac.
Early hybrid daylily.
Wentworth Viburnum has flowers similar to Doublefile Viburnum. The small, inner flowers are the ones that need fertilization, and the large, outer flowers have a bigger display to attract the pollinators.

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