Friday, January 25, 2013

Sunlight and Paint.

1-25-13 SHORT HILLS: I forgot to mention the amount of daylight we get as the sun moves toward us northern hemispherians. At the winter solstice we get, in NJ latitudes, about 9 hours and 20 minutes of sun. A month later in January we get a little more sun, 9h-45min, a small increase of daylight. By February 21, we get 11h of sun a bigger jump.

We went to the Met Museum yesterday to catch the Matisse show and visit a few other galleries before our feet and backs got tired. There are things painters do with light that photographers struggle with. Here are a few examples…

Matisse-love the black.

Matisse did the indoor and outdoor through the window. With the camera the outdoor is over-exposed and/or the indoor is under-exposed.

Monet is so good with light and shadow. This is hard with the camera, the shadows are too dark or the sun light is over exposed.

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