Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Shoe Is Off the Other Foot.

6-19-13 SHORT HILLS: Lots more rain, almost every day, but not today. The yard loves it, all the ground covers-ivy, pachysandra, lamium, vinca, wild strawberry, ajuga-seem very happy and are busy filling out their neighborhoods and spreading themselves. The grass and plantain and other weeds that make up the ‘lawn’ are equally satisfied.

Judy was walking the dogs early Sunday, after a rainy night, and slipped on a small, but slippery, slope, twisting her right ankle and causing a fracture of the posterior malleolus of the tibia. She is now in a cast, toes to the knee, and enjoying it as much as I enjoyed mine. Our coin has been flipped, and I am now doing the driving and schlepping.

New blooms: sweetspire, rosebay rhododendron.


Elderberry, not a viburnum, but has similar flowers.

Unknown shrub, anyone???

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