Monday, April 11, 2016

A Walk in the Woods.

4-11-16 SHORT HILLS: We have survived another night of winter. I did get outside today and finally finished the pruning/trimming between showers.

Yesterday we dog-walked with Bill and Bella at Loantaka Brook Park in Madison. The brook meanders through flats before reaching Kitchell Pond and then ending up in the Great Swamp. There were many other dog walkers. The brook was in babble mode due to all the rain of late. The wooded banks are covered with marsh marigold with lots of yellow flowers. Skunk cabbage grows in huge colonies. Also in bloom were claytonia and trout lily. There are extensive clusters of wild roses.

New blooms: purple lamium.

Loantaka Brook with marsh marigold and skunk cabbage.

Wild roses on the far bank all the other green stuff is marsh marigold.

The yellow is the marsh marigold flowers.

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