The ceremony was well organized and fairly brief. The school was proud to be using their new gym. When we were here for Eoin’s graduation, a few years ago it was outside in a town park. I think I liked the outside venue better. In addition to their diplomas, the 400 or so graduates were all given a rose and instructed to give the rose to someone important to their successful graduation.
Afterwards we all went to dinner with a few of Joey’s graduating friends and their parents, friends of Jon and Siobhan. Everybody, almost, was an engineer, and they were from France, Britan, Ireland as well as the US. Los Gatos is cosmopolitan and wealthy.
During the day we were at Jon and Siobhan’s house on the mountain. I wandered around outside and saw a few birds and got a couple pix of a swallowtail butterfly and some flowers. I heard, but didn’t see a coyote. There are always flowers out here. Now there are roses and oleander everywhere.
Tomorrow we have a very early flight back to EWR.

Swallowtail on vinca major. To be ID later.

Turkey vultures working on a dead rodent, a bunch more were in the nearby trees and circling above.

An iris of some sort.

Dark-eyed junco busy eating seeds.

Dark-eyed junco now surveying the scene from a post.

Assembled throng in the new gym for Fisher Middle School graduation.

New graduate offering his mom the rose.
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