Friday, November 17, 2017

White, Red and Yellow.

11-17-17 SHORT HILLS: As the season winds down there’s less garden news to report. It has been cold, appropriate for November, with some rain and windy days. I spent a couple hours picking fallen branches off the shrubs and another bit of pruning.

Yesterday it was warmer in the afternoon, above 50°, so I painted the wrought iron patio furniture. I used exactly one quart of white Rustoleum.

We had Sunday night dinner at Bette and Lonnie’s. Thanks again, Bette. Tuesday night was a T-o-A dinner with Bill and Lynn.

Every year the forsythia show a few blooms in the fall. Typically, it happens after a cold snap and a subsequent warm-up. It doesn’t detract from the usual spring yellow glory.

New blooms: forsythia.

Nuthatch in classic pose, waiting a turn at the feeder.

Warm days after a cold snap fools a few forsythia buds into opening in the wrong season. It happens every year.

There's still red.

Painting the patio furniture took me all afternoon. I needed a day above 50° for the paint to dry.

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