Monday, July 08, 2019


7-8-19 VERMONT: It’s like a totally different weather pattern, now it’s hot and dry, while before, in spring, it was cold and wet. Another few days like this, and I’ll be watering the gardens all day.

I went sailing with Ken at Lake Mascoma yesterday. He has an O’Day sloop on a mooring at a yacht club there. The two of us were stumbling around in the day-sailor, dealing with stiff hips, knees, shoulders, ankles. It would have been hard if there had been any real wind.

I was back in the upper terrace bed a few days ago and planted two pulmonaria, P. saccarata ‘Mrs. Moon’, in a shady spot, two foam flowers, Tiarella cordifolia ‘Brandywine’. Before planting there, I dig up the area that I just weeded and turn the soil over and discard all the weed roots I can find. I also added two primroses to the primrose/lady slipper bed, Primula ‘Estens Candelabra’.

A visitor said she couldn’t find a house number, so I checked and the sign was obscured by vegetation. I took it off the tree stump that it was on and will move it to a granite post by the driveway. Right now it is up temporarily until I drill holes in the granite.

Today I pruned three apple trees and produced two cartloads of cuttings that went on the dump. We have been eating Sun Gold tomatoes every day from the potted plants on the deck. The special herbs are growing well. We had pesto from our basil a few dinners back.

New blooms: campanula, filipendula, lychnis, false indigo, astilbe, hosta.

Remember the possible fox from a few weeks ago? Here he is in red and black.

Ghostly deer in the evening in night time camera mode.

Campanula ia open as the mid-summer rush is on.

Lychnis, also called Maltese Cross, reminds me of Campbell Soup cans.

Daisy, classic flower shape.

Astilbe pond-side survivor of about eight I planted in this area.

Maizie samples the pond.

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