Saturday, December 12, 2020

First Snow.

12-12-20 SHORT HILLS: The last couple days have been mild, 50’s, and I have been outside doing some very end-of-the-season chores—removed leaves from the pool cover, did another round of clearing deadfall from the shrubs, washed the skylights over the sunroom, trimmed over-grown shrubs behind the house, and other stuff I don’t remember at the moment. 

It was supposed to rain today, but hasn’t yet. It did snow a few days ago. We got a dusting that was gone by the next afternoon, but it looked pretty for a few hours. I forgot to put the glass rain gauge away and found it broken from the recent freeze. 

The squirrels remain baffled by the new feeder formation—could it be that they’re out-foxed? I’ll bet they figure some way to get back on the feeders.

Foretaste of the season.

This much is fine. 

Squirrel stuck foraging form the ground-so far.

I posted this on FB a few days ago, after a long walk, so it's old news, but I wanted the pic on the blog.

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