Saturday, January 02, 2021

Welcome 2021.

1-2-21 SHORT HILLS: We came back just before New Year’s Eve to watch the ball drop on TV by ourselves and barely managed to stay awake. We did have a family Zoom yesterday. 

It’s been rainy here, all the snow is gone and today is in the fifties and breezy. We did a dog walk with Bebe, Ronny and Sonny. Yesterday was colder, but we still did a shorter walk. 

The first weeks of January are, on average, the coldest of the year, and after the middle of the month, the mean temps start to rise. 

The birds have re-discovered the feeders. The Audubon Society says that it’s a tradition to make note of the first bird you see in the new year. I saw juncos under the feeders at the same time as I saw a male cardinal on a feeder—both are among our regular winter customers.

Maizie napping before her big NYE's party.

We had a nice sunset the night before we left VT. Most of the snow was gone.

Lily sent this IM of the new snow today.

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