Sunday, March 28, 2021

Soggy Days.

3-28-21 SHORT HILLS: The last few days have been rainy except for yesterday when we had a visit from Anna and Gardner. The rain has been fine. I was worried about things getting too dry before the rain started. It has slowed progress on my projects list. Aside from the rain, things have stayed very mild, more like May than March.

We did a walk at Loantaka Park with Lynn and Bill during a lull in the rain a few days ago. On a different day, Judy and I went back to the Great Swamp Preserve. Almost all the snow is gone, frog songs have started, and birds are returning. We didn’t see anything unusual, but got a few pix. There was one day during all the inclement weather that was very windy and blew a new load of tree debris down on us. 

New blooms: andromeda, vinca minor, forsythia, spice bush. 

An Eastern Phoebe at the Great Swamp Preserve.
From the Preserve boardwalk--no leaves, but no snow either, frogs and turtles are at work.
A cluster of turtles, Painted Turtles specifically, warming up after a long winter's nap. Four are easy to see, but three more are back there.
If you've wondered where all the Canada geese come from, here's one on an early nest.
More crocus from our yard.
Andromeda is our earliest shrub, offering bunches of these little, white bells.
One thing that comes with lots of clouds--interesting sunsets.

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