In the new north wall bed, sunny part: three globe thistle, Echinops ritro, three Echinacea, two ‘Ruby Star’ and one ‘Ruby Giant’, two blue cardinal flower, Lobelia siphilitica, and one poppy, Papaver orientale ‘Prince of Orange’. In the shady part of that bed I found room for two Epimedium youngianum ‘Niveum’ and ‘Sulfureum’. It took longer to plant them than to list them all, but not by much.
Since then, Judy’s dog lady friends, Caroline and Barbara, visited from NJ and stayed from Wednesday to Saturday AM. We dragged them ragged, taking them to St. Gaudens, the campus, Lake Fairlee, Billings Farm and Woodstock, Quechee and Strafford. Judy fed them twice, and they took us to lunch and to Stone Soup. I think they loved it.
Today I watered everything. There has been no real rain for weeks and stuff is looking tired, and the pond is down again about six inches.
New blooms: goldenrod, more lilies, more phlox, echinacea.
Red Day Lily, maybe this one is my favorite.
or this one.
Lily, very aromatic.
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