Monday, May 19, 2008

What's Black and White and Red in Front?

5-19-08 VERMONT: Today was cool, windy and showery. The wind was especially welcome as it chases the black flies away. I finished putting up the flower bed barriers, did some plant supports, raked up the gravel that the snow plowers push onto the lawn from the driveway, repaired the hole where a granite post was broken off by the plowers and put the remnant of the post in the border of the bed below the pines in front of the new house. I fertilized all the acidophiles and started on the others when I ran out of fertilizer. Sam, Chloe and I went to Longacres and bought fertilizer, tomatoes, herbs and some potting cups for the sunflowers. We also stopped at D & W for beer and coffee.

Winters are not as cold here as they used to be. The oregano in the herb bed survived from last summer, and I had a tick yesterday. It’s supposed to be too cold here for ticks, but now it’s not.

I filled the bird feeders when I arrived Saturday and today the birds found out.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My question: Did Sam and Chloe enjoy the beer and coffee? And, if so, which kind?