Monday, June 23, 2008

Doing It Under Water.

6-23-08 VERMONT: Every day we get dark clouds, showers, some are electrified and noisy, punctuated by short interludes of sun. It’s cool, about 70°, and calm. The gardens seem to be on hold, waiting for warmth and sun.

We went to the pet store on an errand and found a display of aquatic plants, I guess they’re for Koi pools. I bought a pickerelweed, Pontederia cordata, hardy to Zone 3, and put it in the pond. Years ago I had tried, unsuccessfully, to get it going in the pond with plants from the Connecticut River. It has big, arrowhead shaped leaves and blue/purple flowers.

It’s hard to transplant under water. Digging a hole leaves a dirt cloud that obscures the hole and things float away when you think they’ve been embedded. I make large staples out of fencing wire to hold stuff down and go back to look at them an hour later when the water has cleared. And then there’s the issue of sliding down the bank into deep water while holding the trowel and plant and trying to stay on your feet. Best to leave your wallet on the bank.

We’ve been here a week and have had 0.75 inches of rain, and about 0.75 hours of sun.

New blooms: fox glove, phlox.

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