Monday, July 26, 2010

BBQ Sunday in the Rain.

7-26-10 VERMONT: Yesterday we had scattered T-storms, but went to Windsor, VT for the Harpoon Brewery BBQ competition. There must have been 50 or 60 booths BBQing many species of animals plus lots of Harpoon brews. Adina and Craig and Adina’s giant puppy, Theo, who got a lot of attention, joined us. We all overate, got rained on, sampled the brews and had a great time. So did thousands of others. Many of the BBQers displayed their medals and awards.

One of the BBQ booths displayed their trophies. How many animals can you id?

Today, I was back at work, trying to burn off some of those calories. I mowed the tall grass in the pasture around the veggie garden, barns, some of the fence with the DR Trimmer. Before that there was weeding and pruning as always. Today was beautiful, 70’s with a breeze and dry and clear.

We saw two painted turtles sunning on the rock formation by the pond this afternoon.

New blooms: liatris, more phlox, more ligularia.

Pickerel Weed, a shallow water plant with arrowhead shaped leaves and bluish flowers.

Some of the crayfish in the pond have grown just enormous.

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