Saturday, July 24, 2010

First Tomato Thrown Out. The Season Begins.

7-24-10 VERMONT: Today we’re back in the broiler with humidity and sun. Yesterday was cool, misty, drizzly late in the afternoon and over night. There was little measurable rain fall.

Before the rain yesterday, I did more work on the walkway under the deck replacing broken bricks with field stone.

When the culvert was cleaned out by the town a month of so ago, the road crew dumped the load of sand and dirt that came out of the culvert on a swampy area of the pasture. Today I started spreading it around with a rake and shovel which was a hot, sticky, sweaty job that I nearly finished, and it nearly finished me. I downed about three quarts of ice tea afterwards. I’ll let it get rained on and settle for a few weeks before I do the rest.

Before the shoveling, Judy and I picked wild blackberries and had the first few ripe tomatoes. The blue berries are almost gone.

New blooms: aster, rusty foxglove, pickerelweed in the pond. The last two have been out for about a week, but I forgot to mention them.

'Moulin Rouge' sunflower.

Aphrodite Fritillary Butterfly on Joe Pye Weed. Something took a bite out of one of the hind wings, but check out the tongue!

Digitalis ferruginea, Rusty Foxglove

1 comment:

  1. i love blood-like sunflowers ! i tried to grow a few some years ago.

    the butterfly scenes are beautiful.
