Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Burning Bush.

11-16-10 SHORT HILLS: I came back to NJ yesterday on an overcast day which makes for easier driving—no sun glare or reflections. In Vermont, I finished making all the pieces for the cart and assembled the bed and suspension. The upper part needs to be glued and screwed, but that can be done inside the house where it’s warm in December. The work done so far was in the garage, and it was chilly working outside. There was so much sawdust on the garage floor that it took more than an hour to clean up and then put all the tools away.

The evening before the trip to NJ, I went to hear the Dartmouth Glee Club do the Messiah, part of it, but including the Hallelujah Chorus.

Back here, the burning bushes are aflame, and lots of leaves are hanging on yet.

The yard is full of volunteer burning bushes, some of them, like this row were transplanted to make a border.

Black chokeberry is orange, and burning bush is red.

Current cart configuration.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the cart very much, and the burning bushes are really red at the Jarvis House Garden too. What is a Black chokeberry? Do you have any of the Beauty Bushes? They have the most wonderful purple berries this time of year. Cheers from the Jarvis House Blog http://wwwjarvishouse.blogspot.com/
