11-11-10 VERMONT: It was warmer today, but we started with ice on the pond and heavy frost on the ground. By mid-morning with bright sun it was all gone. Josh and his brother finished all the leaves today, and I finished the beds, did more pruning and some weeding. When all the beds are cleared, the stone walls and stairs reappear. The tall garden plants hide the walls, almost completely in places. With the plants gone, you can see the walls and do repairs. Similarly, pruning is easier with the leaves down.
In the afternoon I took a look at Judy’s pumpkin cart which totally rotted away this summer. Maybe I can resurrect it, but I’ll do it in pressure treated wood.
With the beds cleared, all the rock walls and stairs reappear.
Ice on the pond from this morning was gone by the time we hit 50°.
Another blue sky day. Except for Chloe, everything is dormant for winter.
If you found it beer can with a cigarette butt in it by the hollyhocks, blame Ann!