Friday, April 29, 2011

So Long, Snow.

4-29-11 VERMONT: Yesterday we had a warm rainy day, I got most of the bed barriers set up between showers, and before the rain got serious about soaking us. Today started cloudless and cool, but by mid-afternoon was overcast and rain, our daily dose, followed. Nevertheless, undaunted by adverse weather, I did most of the clean up. In spite of all the snow storms this past winter, there were surprisingly few large branches down, but plenty of small ones kept me busy. Judy put the rocking chairs out on the porch and terrace.

The warm rain has melted 80% of the snow piles.

New blooms: daffodil, wild ginger.

Red Maple. I've posted pix of this tree in the fall with its striking red foliage, here it is with red flowers, probably the same pigment.

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