Yesterday we were somewheres in the 100° neighborhood and had a T-storm in the evening with lots of drama, but only 0.25 inches of rain. This morning there was also a rain of sticks blown out of trees, mostly ash trees. The dogs were quite unhappy with the L&T. Today was only in the mid-eighties, but sticky.
Yesterday I weeded again, in the morning, as I did today. After hauling a load of weed debris to the dump and bring back more compost for mulching shrubs, I spread Ironite, a mineral supplement, on shrubs and pachysandra that were yellowish. The Ironite is supposed to green them up—we’ll see.
New blooms: pretty berry.
Gray Catbird, Dumetella carolinensis, has great songs, inventive, imitative and rarely repetitive.
Foxglove is hard to keep rolling along from season to season. One year they're all over, the next year-none.
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