Sunday, May 27, 2012

Eggstrordinary Day.

5-27-12 VERMONT: Another beautiful day, perfect—except for black flies and mosquitoes. In the morning I used the string trimmer in the front garden by the porch to clear the grass-choked walkways and then cleared the culvert.

At midday we went to the William Smith auction preview. Judy saw a couple things she liked and will go back for the auction action tomorrow.

In the afternoon, I wanted to use the DR Trimmer in the pasture, but I had no gas, so I pruned honeysuckle bushes, roses and cut down a dead Japanese maple.

While hauling away all the prunings, I saw an eggshell, half-opened on the ground in the woods. It is the size of a chicken egg, light brown with dark brown freckles. After a bit of research, we’re calling it a turkey egg.

New blooms: pagoda dogwood, baneberry, Jacobs ladder.

Turkey egg, used, I think, anyone?
Centaurea, bachelor button.

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