Wednesday, August 15, 2012

River Paddle

8-15-12 VERMONT: We went canoeing again, this time on the Connecticut River. We put in at the North Thetford boat launch and headed up river and then back down. For the most part, it was just exercise, but we did see a Green Heron, the pic is mediocre because I had only an old camera. The bird is north of its usual summer range, but with warming climate change, species migrate to higher latitude and altitude for an agreeable habitat. On the drive home we did a few back roads and saw a flock of turkeys, three or four hens and a bunch of chicks, now half grown.

We have had no real rain here for a few days, but elsewhere in the area there have been heavy showers.

New blooms: ligularia dentata

Green Heron, sorry about the quality, shot with an old camera.

Turkey army.

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