Friday, August 03, 2012

Something Blue.

8-3-12 VERMONT: It’s hot, muggy, hazy again today. I was at Brown’s Nursery early and got a blueberry bush, Vaccinium corymbosum ‘Duke’, for the spot where the rose bush died and four chrysanthemum, two Dendranthema zawadskii ‘Mary Stoker’ and two ‘Overture’ to go in the bed in back of the old mudroom where I pulled out Mohican viburnum volunteers. I put the viburnums on the south end of the yard where there are other viburnums and burning bushes. I acidified the blueberry and alkalised the chrysanthemums. That was more than enough to do on a day like this.

The pond syphon is draining at a rate of 90 gal/hr, so it'll take a month or so to dump 80-100,000 gals, my estimate of the volume of the bottom two feet of the pond.

New blooms: pink coreopsis.

The water lilies have been blooming all summer.

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