Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Getting Colder.

8-6-13 VERMONT: The rain has stopped for a couple of days, and the air has been cool and dry. All the swollen doors are starting to be closable. Last night was in the forties, and we had a fire going. Cool spells in August are like warm spells in February, a reminder of things to come.

I have finished three of my four house repair projects, but I discovered more rotted wood below the old house front door. It will have to be dug out and replaced with something pressure treated before I can replace the rotted trim boards.

After my Saturday dump run, I stopped at Brown’s Nursery for the sale and bought five Astilbe arendsii ‘Cattleya’ and eight Echinacea purpurea, coneflower, all for pond side. I have tried echinacea several places without much success. This site offers full sun which, I hope, will make a difference.

New blooms: Indian pipe.

Black-eyed Susan means August.

Interesting sky.

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