Sunday, June 15, 2014

Back to VT.

6-15-14 VERMONT: We came up yesterday in light traffic to mostly cloudy skies and cool air, windy enough to have a fire at dinner and another later in the bedroom. Today was a little warmer.

I went to work in the morning—starting with the veggies. Six out of eighty corn seeds didn’t germinate so I put new seeds in those spots. They will be three weeks behind the others, which are now two to four inches tall. The new ones may never ripen with the others, or they may catch up because it’s later in the season and warmer. I also fertilized the tomatoes and corn.

Add to that an afternoon of weeding and pruning, and it’s a perfect Fathers’ Day.

New blooms: azalea, Wentworth viburnum, geranium, Siberian iris, bearded iris, yellow and white flag iris, campanula, meadow rue, rogersia, Jacobs ladder, centaurea, Asian lilac, spirea, primrose, Solomon seal, hesperis, creeping speedwell, lupin, fleabane, red and white clover, buttercup, vetch, daisy, weigela.

It's hard to tell, but there are four azalea colors there-orange on the upper right, salmon in the middle, pink on the upper left and a darker pink on the lower left.

Siberian iris.


First hybrid day lily.

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